Personal Training



In the weight room Jim Chenoweth is known for his unique cutting edge approach

In the weight room Jim Chenoweth is known for his unique cutting edge approach
to functional strength and conditioning and has been called the “brains behind the brawn” for putting real muscle science back into training.

Certified by A.C.E. as a Health Coach
Certified by the I.S.S.A. as a Personal Trainer
8 years a personal Trainer

I bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the Ballrooms training
philosophy. My programs are comprehensive sets of services that are tailored individually
for you. 90-day programs for weight loss, strength, and functional training.
Build ripped lean athletic muscles while burning away that stubborn belly fat.
These are just 3 of the programs we offer at the Melbourne Ballrooms training
center. No matter where you are starting from on your fitness journey, Jim can get you
there safely efficiently and you will have fun every step of the way.

For more details visit my website